Through monthly subscriptions or one off donations through this link. If you are in Rio you can book a Favela tour with us, to get to know the local community and the work that we do. You can book the tour at any day you wish. However, if you are able to make it on a day of our handout, then we take you up to our headquarter and you can partake in the activity of the day and handout of our food baskets.
If you wish to be a part of our buzzing, socially aware team send us an email with your information, experience and what you would like to contribute to Mao do Bem at email:
Through this number +55 21 96773-6618, or send an email to
Although everything is relative, the community is very safe, if you act according to our guidelines of when to use your cameras etc.
Although there are no guarantees for anything in this world, the favela is a very safe place to be in. We ask that you respect our guidelines of when you can use your camera, and not, other then that, it is a very safe place to be.
In the past we have organized handouts in Lapa, Mezema, Centro, Pinga dágua and Baixada da Fluminese. However, currently we are focusing our efforts solely in Rocinha.
We have a long waiting list and few openings in the group, though if you are in need of a monthly food basket and am open and willing to learn new ideas and concepts and participate in all our activities, send us an email telling us about your self and your family and we will add you to our waiting list and hopefully you can enter into the group in the near future.